
Nederland met een PLAN

Programme House of Representatives elections

Nederland met een PLAN

Programme House of Representatives elections

Introduction and key points

Nederland met een PLAN is a political movement that is open to cooperation with free parties, seeks and engages with diverse cultures and socially engaged individuals with their own specific expertise. This party distinguishes itself from established names in politics by coming up with solid, well-founded solutions to social issues, where they have been left to run their course by former policies and where there was no plan behind them.

Nederland met een PLAN is a still young movement that wants to bring its views on the state of the Netherlands into the limelight and thus help give a voice to the Asian community in the Netherlands. This sometimes forgotten force has been contributing to this country's economy for more than a hundred years and will still be able to give it a positive growth and quality boost in the future. In cooperation with other active specialists, the movement can actually start to ensure that a political policy can be pursued in which a friendlier business climate and society is allowed to exist.

Nederland met een PLAN is not a one-issue party. We have an eye for more colour in politics, stand for an unconditional basic income, including for SMEs and self-employed people, want a healthy and safe living environment in cities and villages, ensure that housing becomes affordable again, that there is more equality of opportunity on the labour market, that children are properly prepared at school for a function in society, sport and health are at the top of the list, that vulnerable elderly people receive decent and adequate care and have more security with a pension, that there are fewer government rules, that the facts are told about the environment and climate, that childcare becomes free from the age of two, that public transport will not cost citizens a penny more, that sustainable enterprises are given priority in a fair way, and that arms trade is curbed.

Nederland met een PLAN does not necessarily draw its own plan, but without a plan with your life, you will be deployed in someone else's plan. The party is not only there for itself, but precisely for that other, who is essentially our deepest self. We cherish not only our sameness, but also our differences, because in our being different lies our strength.

Nederland met een PLAN wants a foundation for the Netherlands that stands like a house, and that can move with us within the frameworks we set and desire together, so that we can reach out to each other across the boundaries of being different and the best in each of us can be brought out in complete freedom.

Key points - A PLAN for the Netherlands

1) Citizens and government

More colour in politics and more diversity at the top of business. Focus on restoring trust between government and citizens, and strengthening social cohesion. Give civil servants and administrators more room to take responsibility.

2) Direct democracy

Democracy from the bottom up through direct and deliberative democracy, such as a binding referendum. NL PLAN stands for participatory democracy and elected mayors.

3) Livelihood security

The central government is the largest employer in the Netherlands. Give (local) SMEs and self-employed people more work and Livelihood security with an unconditional basic income. Partially meet corona debt to keep the rural economy vital. Support policies to fight actual and targeted poverty. The segregation of districts with rich versus districts with poor people should be countered.

4) Income security

Minimum wage should go to 15 euros per hour, and wages automatically rise with inflation (automatic price compensation (APC)). No minimum youth wage from 18 years of age.

5) Public housing

Significantly more social housing and alternative affordable housing, with more responsibility and control for residents themselves.

6) Protection of quality of life for tenants

Tenants of social housing must be much better protected against the profit model of housing corporations. Tenants' quality of life must be protected. The energy label (EP-W) should also apply to existing rental housing.

7) Smarter building

Transform vacant properties and commit to tiny houses, flex homes and kangaroo homes. Stop the contradiction between the promise to build 1,010,000 houses and the nitrogen policy that prevents it.

8) Balance between man and nature

Solve the real environmental problems, instead of going along with overblown coalition agreements of green and big business and the resulting non-fact-based climate propaganda.

More balance and diversity between humans, plants and animals by actively tackling air, water and soil pollution and more space for wild nature. Stop tree-consuming biomass plants and build clean thorium molten salt reactors (less radioactive waste with a half-life of 300 years and no risk of nuclear meltdown).

9) Art and culture

Museums accessible for free to the entire Dutch population. Theatre and performing arts more accessible through reduced fees. Alternative media, new educational initiatives and sports organisations without high overhead and management costs.

10) Community spaces

Increase investment in freely accessible large indoor and outdoor spaces in safe neighbourhoods for communities and user groups (commons), managed for individual and collective benefit, with well-functioning facilities, where respect for each other's views, customs, cultural forms of expression are paramount, and coercion, violence, exclusion or discrimination are eliminated.

11) Security

Increase in the number of neighbourhood police officers. Crime at local level, in neighbourhoods and districts, tackled by authorities that know how to deal with it. A snack bar owner must be able to carry out his work safely.

12) Care

Stop market forces in healthcare. The duty of care should return to the government through a national care facility with fixed tariffs for all care providers. Healthcare institutions are there to provide care and not to engage in competitive models. The public interest of public health should come first and not that of the pharmaceutical industry. Healthcare is more than just prescribing drugs. Invest in prevention through proper education on lifestyle such as exercise, nutrition and mental meaning. Recognise the achievements of alternative care.

13) Education

Good education shapes the society of the future. No pre-chewed textbooks with government propaganda. When a child resonates from his/her deepest being with the knowledge given from the heart, a connection is possible that leads to true inspiration and creativity. Only then is the healthy development of a critical and empathetically aware mind possible, which can be resilient in adult life.

14) Free public transport

Free public transport for all Dutch citizens. Invest in safe and comfortable efficient transport to reduce air pollution from petrol car emissions, and promote quality of life for citizens.

15) No forced buy-out of farmers

The nitrogen crisis is an administrative problem with an unclear scientific basis. Reduce the number of Natura 2000 areas and provide further innovative solutions in consultation with farmers. No forced buy-out of farmers. Address polluting industrial complexes and work together to reach a settlement.

16) Migration policy

Policy failure on migration is rooted in insufficient recognition of the complex and sometimes unexpected ways in which socio-economic and cultural change processes affect migration. The Netherlands must first save its own citizens. Only then can you save the others. For example, there is a huge housing shortage. Fast procedures for asylum seekers are desirable.

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